Proud to be Made of Tasmania. How Timberlink Timber links Tasmanians.

By Timberlink

Recently, we had the pleasure in taking a tour of the Timberlink value chain. And after talking to a great number of Tasmanians, it was obvious that they’re all proudly ‘Made of Tasmania’. However, what also became very apparent was that so many have a link to Timberlink in some way or another, and that they had a real understanding of Timberlink’s link to many other valuable outcomes such as sustainability, innovation and the Tasmanian community.


A link to Investment in Innovation

Darren Herd – General Manager of  Forico

Working closely with Timberlink, Forico’s General Manager for Plantation Performance, Darren Herd, sees Timberlink’s link to innovation first hand, telling us, “Timberlink doesn’t rest on what it currently does, but looks at where the opportunity is. It’s a really forward thinking company.” 

Shane Power, General Manager of George Town Council agrees, adding “I’m aware of significant investment that Timberlink has made locally at their plant in Bell Bay, and that impresses me and satisfies me. [They’re] leading the way in investment in innovative products.” One such product is a wood plastics composite that will be launched later this year, which Brett Waters, Processing Manager at Timberlink tells us, “…will be made largely from upcycled material including recycled plastic and wood residues from Timberlink’s Bell Bay mill.”


A link to Sustainability

Donna Bain – General Manager of Self Help Workplace

Timberlink’s link to sustainability is something else many Tasmanians are aware of. We caught up with Donna Bain, General Manager of Self Help Workplace, who told us, that they use what is known as core grade timber, which isn’t suitable for conversion into high grade timber products like house framing, however, it is ideal for Tasmanian manufacturers like Self Help Workplace. This type of timber is typically less dense and less stable than timber cut from the outer portion of the tree. As a result, core grade timber is not suitable for making structural timber products. As Donna says, “the fact that we’re able to use this part of the timber in our products shows that Timberlink is committed to using all of the timber that comes into its site wisely and sustainably.” 

Similarly, Principal at Star of The Sea College in George Town, Richard Chapman is grateful that Timberlink care about the environment that his students will grow up in. “I know that Timberlink are a sustainable company because they use sustainable timber grown in sustainable forests… and they are trying to leave a sustainable planet for our students. The whole community really appreciates that.” 

And the link to sustainability is important for Nathan O’Byrne as well. As a builder and owner of Modern Homes and Developments he uses Timberlink timber because as he says, “Timberlink being sustainable helps Tasmania. It helps my family’s future, it helps keep jobs in Tasmania, and overall, it helps the environment.” 


A link to Tasmanian Jobs

Luke Jaffray – Monson Logistics

There’s a real link to supporting fellow Tasmanians too, through the jobs Timberlink supports – directly and indirectly – and also the support given to the wider Tasmanian community. Take Emily Glover who has been a Maintenance Planner and Scheduler at Timberlink for five years, and knows how important this is. “All our maintenance people are Tasmanian, working to ensure that our plant and equipment is maintained to a high standard.” 

This goes for Timberlink’s transportation partner, Monson Logistics, also, as Luke Jaffray tells us, “Our partnership with Timberlink enables businesses like Monson Logistics to employ as many people as we do. We have 80 people employed locally within Tasmania and that injects approximately $60million into the local economy.”


A link to Tasmanian Community

Brett Waters – Men’s Shed

Timberlink support local sporting clubs and charities too. Brett Waters told us a heartwarming story about one such connection. “At Men’s Shed we supply some of our product, some of our off-cuts. It’s great to see the smile on the guys’ faces when they use our local product and to see some of their creations. We’ve even been given back a truck made by Men’s Shed, which was fantastic.” and that wooden truck is now on display at Timberlink because it’s proudly Made of Tasmania.


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